Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Yeah, Maybe Not So Much


That's the word that comes to mind when I think of my last date with Chicago. When he called me up and wanted to know if I wanted to spend some time with him last weekend while out running errands, I thought "what the hell." I'd give me some more time with him and would technically count as a 4th date.

You know, I'm all for a guy with a sense of humor, but I just wanted to yell at him, "ENOUGH." Not everything has to be made into a joke and I'm all for banter, but you have to give it a rest at some point. It's flat out exhausting trying to keep up with his humor at times, and when a lot of it is directed at me, there is a point when it's a little much. Now, I can laugh at myself and poke fun, but there is a line there that he was stepping on, and it took a lot for me not to turn into a bitch on him.

A wise friend of mine said that if it annoys me now, it will for sure annoy me later one - which I know this to be true.  Another person asked if this might just be him still trying to impress me - it's been long enough that I am pretty sure this is him.  He has this thing with being right all time, and if you know me, you know this is poses a SERIOUS issue! Granted, I can admit when I am wrong, but I'm pretty fond of getting my way most of the time. Anyway, his need to be right causes him to never drop anything until he either proves his point, or you give in out of frustration. I have a friend like this, and I have learned just to give up since going around in circles is ridiculous. If you didn't know that he's harmless, you'd think it was borderline being an asshole. Obviously getting a rise out of people and getting them to "debate" (I call it arguing) is his goal in most situations. Makes me wonder if he would be able to hold any other type of conversation.

Now I know that I said he was a front runner a few days back, but I need someone that has sense of humor, but at the same time, doesn't make me feel like I am being the stick in the mud when I don't go along with every joke.

Just gets old...... 

1 comment:

  1. Oh i totally know what you mean! I have friends like that too and have come across people like that. Definitely gets old and you dont want to be around them anymore...
