Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hi, I'm Garrett and I'm an Asshole

Normally I wouldn't use any one's real name here, but I thought the first asshole I encountered deserved it!

Before I say anything more, I can assure you that I am fine, nothing traumatic happened, but I was reminded at how big of ass holes certain guys can be!

When I first got a message from Garrett and looked at his profile, I almost didn't reply back to him.  He is 29, divorced and the father of two boys.  He's also a cop.  Because he fits the "tall, dark and handsome" profile I seem to seek out, I was nice and sent a message back.  We had a few conversations back and forth and all seemed well.  I agreed to meet up with him at a bar by my house that I felt comfortable with and since it was a Sunday night, I wouldn't be out too late.

I could tell from the minute he got there that he was nervous. It was a little strange since I think guys tend to hide it better than girls do.  We ordered drinks and after chatting for a few minutes, he admitted to being nervous and drinking a few before he had gotten to the bar.  He then asked me if I ever smoke when I drink (only when I am drinking A LOT); apparently this is a downfall of his.  We moved to a table outside where we talked about moving to AZ, our jobs, family and his kids.  If you had never met him before, you would have thought he was an actual smoker from all the ones he lit up in the hour we were there.

Now, I know what my alcohol limits are, especially when I am driving. Being the responsible one, I made sure to stop at three and I ordered them all in rocks glasses just to keep myself on the safe side.  When I had finished my third drink, he asked if I was sure I didn't want another one. For being a cop, you'd think he'd have an issue with someone drinking too much and driving home - apparently not. I politely declined, but after he asked me a third time, it got annoying. Pretty sure I was speaking English! He then had the nerve to ask if I wanted to go to a bar closer to his house so he could drink more and then just stumble home. I'm sorry, but I would have to be out of my mind to go to a bar by his house, drink more and then attempt to drive home. Once the conversation got to that point, I knew that the night would be coming to an end.

He reeked of cigarettes when he walked me to my car. He asked for a hug good-bye and why I let him, I'm not quite sure.  Apparently he thought it would be a good idea to kiss me, which of course, was absolutely disgusting, and he held onto me a little too long.  His hands got a little grabby and thankfully he wasn't balanced very well and I was able to give him a nice shove.  Obviously he wasn't expecting that, but somewhat got the hint. The best part is that he had the nerve to ask me again to go to the bar by his house, and when I declined, he actually asked if I wanted to go to his house.  PLEASE! I almost started laughing at how stupid the whole thing was! After that, I said good-bye, got in the car and drove away.

The whole thing left a bad taste in my mouth, and that was in addition to his cigarette breath. I guess part of me expected a little more respect since he was a cop and a dad, but I was wrong. 

When he text me the next morning, I ignored it in hopes that he would get the hint.  Thankfully, he did.

So hopefully Garrett is the one and only ass hole I come across with this!  

1 comment:

  1. unfortunately you might come across a few more before finding your prince :) Sorry you had to deal with that!
