Sunday, October 14, 2012

Crash and BURN

You know how you get excited watching a movie trailer, and you just have to go see that movie?  And then you get there, buy the popcorn and sit through the whole thing, just to think to yourself, "damn, the trailer had all the good parts."  Well, that would be the best way to describe my date with Hitman. 

Hitman was the first person I have gone out with that I have talked to on the phone prior to the date. He had a great voice - the kind that you can listen to for hours.  Kind of a mix between baseball announcer and phone sex operator. Our phone conversation had been about an hour and we had no problem with any lulls in the conversation.  We both had our witty moments, and I was excited to meet up with him.

We met for sushi and when he walked up to me, the first thing that came to my mind was, "he's short." Yes, I have a thing with height - they have to be at least tall enough that when I wear my 4" heels, I am not looking them in the eyes.  I'm a girl that likes that I have to reach up on my tippy toes while barefoot to give a guy a kiss.  There was no way that this was happening with this guy - was he sure he was 5'9"? I almost asked to see his drivers license, but I figured he probably could have lied on that too.

The date just wasn't good...the conversation just wasn't there and his sense of humor fell flat.  He was trying to joke with the waitress, but we were in a sushi restaurant and you could tell that she was having a hard time getting his humor. It ended up just being annoying.  Not sure if he was just trying too hard, or if this was how he really was.

We ran out of things to say too early on in the date, and I almost had to text the "save me" password to one of my friends.  I really don't want to ever have to do that to someone, but this guy was really close!

At the time, I thought maybe he had sensed the same thing since he didn't protest that I was calling it a night right after dinner.  I was able to get away with just a hug, which in itself was somewhat awkward, but then I was home free! He did text me later saying he had a nice time and he would like to do it again.

Yeah, I don't think so.... 

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